Friday, September 9, 2011


Since we are near 9-11, why not go for a little politics? I was looking at all those reports about how Bin Laden failed; Al-Qaeda is weak, terrorism-sponsoring states are getting wiped off the map, etc. Ok right, but aren't the States themselves weaker also? Not related to B.L., you say? Think again... The guy got the U.S. to spend billions in internal security, money that could have been better spent on infrastructure, tax cuts, social programs and yes, creating jobs... The wars that were started after 9-11 cost a lot and were the main reason for the U.S. debt to sky-rocket into the stratosphere. 

The guys making money are security firms and corporation linked to the military-industrial complex. Nothing there for the middle-class, one could say. So, my conclusion is: it seems indeed that however was behind the 9-11 attacks did succeed to weaken the U.S. and Western societies/economies in general. The worse thing may be: even once terrorism-free societies like Norway now got their own, home-made breed of terrorists; the nutcase said his goal was to wage war against Islam, which seems fairly ironic: the attacks he waged on his own countrymen, women and children was, whether he was himself conscious of it or not, directly inspired by Al Qaeda-style blind murderous madness.

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