Friday, September 9, 2011


Historic moment ; here is my first blog post, I mean ever.

This feeling will most likely quickly vanish as the act of posting thoughts will become a daily, or weekly routine (depending on my current motivation being followed by an eventual sentiment of boredom, or rather by a feeling of blossoming ; just hope it won't get to monthly, although that would be of somewhat insignificant impact to the course of the cosmos anyway).

What is the ultimate goal of your blog, would you ask. Well, sorry to say, there ain't no specific target to be achieved through this public display of inner/outer contemplation. If any, it is that some may find the subjects discussed of interest. If others disagree on some viewpoints herein expressed, that will be fine also, since creating emotional reactions from a writing could be considered as a certain form of creativity.

Hope you enjoy my future posts,


1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing your perspective on life. I think we need more philosophical blogs...nowadays everything is going so fast, no time to settle and contemplate life.
